Killer Edge is being written now and the war is heating up. Although I know the overarching plot and the ending, I’ve been surprised at some of the twists the story is taking. When I write, I have a situation with characters, a high-level plot map, but then I follow the story as much as you do.
Even with only 20,000 words I’m intrigued by some of the decisions they’re making. I don’t want to give away any spoilers, but they’re using the strengths a weapons designer can bring to the game. A lot of the weapons they’re using are in their infancy today. They do exist, but they’re not viable…yet. One of the main problems with much of the technology used in combat is access to power in the field, but they’re working on that too.
In addition to using smart tactics the gang are getting to know one another. I know a lot of these types of stories assume people will lose their minds and manners overnight, but I’m disinclined to believe that would happen. If anything, we’d quickly realize we need to team up. Every change follows the same cycle – immobilization, denial, anger, negotiation, depression, acceptance. If anything, people would cling to old behavoural patterns. The main problem with a disaster is people can become immobilized and stay put, rather than fight to survive.
Our gang of fighters have a lot to cope with and their enemy is smart, so they can’t afford to be stupid. The human race is actually pretty damned clever. The gap between our IQ and that of the animal world is huge. Any species or enemy that’s going to be able to take us down would need to be pretty clever. We’re a scary combination of deep emotional drivers to control, combined with the intellectual smarts to dominate everything on earth. I couldn’t see us being taken out by Godzilla. Let’s face it, one well placed missile would sort that over-sized lizard.
So, I’m having fun with the gang. They’re a good group to work with and Steve and his kind make for an excellent nemesis. I like smart enemies. It’s no fun if they’re stupid. Our enemy in the Navigator series is playing for major stakes. They have their own plan and it’s a question of who’ll be left standing.
I haven’t forgotten about the Hunter Wars series and I’m writing Battlefront as well. It’s a longer book so I’ve haven’t got a delivery date for it yet. Killer Edge is scheduled for release in April and I’ll keep you posted on progress.
In the meantime, here’s a sneak preview of the covers for Killer Edge and Battlefront. They’re on their way and I’ll be working hard to get you the next instalment of Navigator and Hunter Wars.