The Hunter Wars series is an addictive story that explores a world gone mad through entertaining characters, humour, unexpected plot twists, sharp dialogue and tough situations. Unlike typical survival and zombie tales, this series moves from one new dynamic to the next, engaging the reader by always evolving the plot, the people and their relationships.
Hunter Wars Omnibus Edition: Books 1 – 3
This omnibus edition of the Hunter Wars contains the first three books: Eve of the Hunter Wars, Heaven Meets Hell and Army of Angels.
Hunter Wars Omnibus Edition: Books 4 – 6
This omnibus edition of the Hunter Wars contains the first three books: Eve of the Hunter Wars, Heaven Meets Hell and Army of Angels.
Eve of the Hunter Wars: Book One
Gears, Pax and TL are brothers and soldiers in the US Army when the world comes to an abrupt halt. Thrust into the apocalypse, they decide mankind deserves another chance. Their ruling puts them at the centre of an epic battle between good and evil, and they uncover the hidden truth behind the Devil in the land of the undead. Along the way, they meet a woman they name Ip and their true role is revealed.
Forming the first of their bases, they call survivors to their side and unwittingly make enemies of the undead and the living. Determined to succeed, they take drastic steps to secure safe havens for those left alive.
Heaven Meets Hell: Book Two
New friends are found, but the face of evil makes its presence known in the safety of their bases. Pax makes a mistake and Ip pays the price, but Gears refuses to let his new enemy rule the day.
Army of Angels: Book Three
Determined to fight fire with fire, Gears offers the survivors the choice of infection. Mackenzie does the unthinkable creating a remarkable outcome that makes Gears question everything he knows about life.
Gift from God: Book Four
Desperate to find safe land where they can grow food, they take the drastic step of seeking safer shores. The Devil takes Pax to a place he never knew existed and Ip learns who she really is. Captain Ted makes a mistake that Gears must undo or they’ll lose everything they’ve gained.
Right to Rule: Book Five
Fed up with the Devils play, Gears is determined to enforce his right to rule. The Devil disagrees and does something they didn’t expect, setting them back again. Captain Ted is forced to make a terrible choice and they stand to lose more than they gain. The land is dying and hunger grips their world.
Call to War: Book Six